Mou Aisthima


Thursday, September 01, 2005

IQBAL - Dream Big, And Chase the Dream

IQBAL - a story of about a physically handicapped youngster whose SOLE (Read: desperate) aim in life is to play cricket for Indian team. His belief in himself and his never-give-up attitude towards his dream finally leads to his dream-come-true.

The story is set against the background of a middle class Indian village family (Exactly don't remember the state though). The beauty of an Indian village has been beautifully depicted on the celluloid. Nagesh Kuknoor gets across the message about the politics involved in Indian cricket, mixing it with the success of the dum-and-deaf 18-year old something.

The brilliance of the movie lies in the fact that the characters have been given all the due attention that they require and due to their performance on the screen. The characters of the GURU of IQBAL(played by Nasserudin Shah) leads us to believe that most things in the world can be changed. The best character of the movie though is the sister of IQBAL. She has just fitted to the character like "T". Also, the background score adds up to the movie depiction.

Nagesh has, hence, shown again that his so-lively way of narrating a story - the audience like in today's world.


The best dialog in the movie :
Nasserudin Shah : Allah tho bohut kuch booltaa hai, Mein Es Liye peeta hun, Taakee Allah joo boole mujhe sunaayee naa de (The LORD says many things, I drink so that I am not able to hear all that ! )



At 9:12 PM, Blogger Koushik V S said...

Welcome to the blogging world mate!


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