Mou Aisthima


Monday, January 08, 2007

Fahrenheit 9/11

It’s more of a documentary than movie that shows the possible motives of Bush administration to help Bush pockets get fatter from the aftermaths of the sad day 9/11. To showcase such prolific, defaming material and comments against the No.1 in the No.1 country of the world needs a great deal of courage. Michael Moore seems to have a great deal of it - contacting the senators to get one of their children sent to help the army people in Iraq, was a pretty good idea. He lays down his facts very nicely in the start of the movie, with details of Bush's adventures in businesses and his interest. And the way he links his interpretations of the way Bush has acted in the way he has leads the audience think that Bush has started this major human massacre without much thought of the Magnus job he has taken on.

The documentary sounded a lot near to the truth. But truth is to be left to the decision of the people and not to be rubbed on to the minds. Mr. Moore shows only one angle of the story – his brutal hatred towards anything that’s Bush related even minutely. Had he show cased a little bit of the other angle, Fahrenheit could have been even more interesting. But given the burning importance of the issue he is dealing and his own pre-conceived, loath-Bush thoughts, it could have been difficult even to ‘think’ on the other angle.

So what’s this whole “Hunt Osama – Kill Saddam” about – Let live people with freedom? I definitely don’t think so. Death of innocent people is inevitable in any war, but to such huge numbers and remember, the numbers are increasing every day. These huge death tolls don’t answer any kind of reasoning behind for that stupid decision to declare War on Iraq. If that’s the way even democratic nations is going to work – Stronger Bullies the Weaker - with little protest from weaker countries, there needs to be the formation of a stronger consortium to guide the interests of humanity in general and peace in people lives in particular.



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